Value to the Community

  • Chicogoland's best value, best roofs, all year long...



Chicagoland Roofing Council Contractor firms are long term residents in the business and civic community in which they operate. Chicagoland Roofing Council Companies give back to the community through participation in:

  • Chicago Fire Museum – Chicagoland Roofing Council Firms and their workforce donated labor, their suppliers, material and the contractors, more equipment for a brand-new roof for this worthy place commemorating the fire service in Chicago.
  • Holiday Charities for Children.
  • Habitat for Humanity – Chicagoland Roofing Council Firms donate time and material to the cause of helping others attain home ownership Local Sports Team, Music, Visual and Performing Arts Sponsorships.
  • Chicagoland Roofing Council Scholarships for Contractor Firm employees and Local 11 Member Family Dependent Students.
  • Many other individual company donations.
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The Chicagoland Roofing Council Professional Contractors lead the industry in rooftop installations. CRC Contractors work with Vegetative Garden Roofs, Light Colored Reflective Cool Roofs, Ballasted and Gravelled Roofs, Photovoltaic Solar Panel Installation, has protected Chicago Landmarks like McCormick Place, City Hall and more. CRC's main function is to promote the professionalism, culture of efficiency, safety, and productivity, expertise, and reliability of these dedicated contractors who provide the Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long.