Slate & Tile Roofs

  • Chicagoland's Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long...



Professional Chicagoland Roofing Council contractor roofing technicians understand the complexity of all types of roofing and get the installation done right the first time. Contact a CRC Contractor that has the equipment, workforce and technology to get your roof done right.


Most slate roofing contractors believe that slate is one of the finest roofing materials that can be used for a roofing system. It is one of the most aesthetically pleasing and durable roofing materials available. Many slate roofs in existence today have lasted well over a hundred years. Read More


Although Tile roofing systems are one of the most popular type of roofs for residential areas, they are also used as commercial roofing systems. Tile roofs are sought after because of their proven performance and virtually limitless variety of colors and styles. Tiles are typically created using concrete or clay. Due to modern innovations, tile roofing can be used for many architectural styles such as authentic Spanish, Mediterranean and New England Colonial, historic or contemporary. They can also be created flat, rounded or can even emulate other roofing materials such as wood shakes. Read More

Visit the specific slate & tile membrane pages for more information.

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The Chicagoland Roofing Council Professional Contractors lead the industry in rooftop installations. CRC Contractors work with Vegetative Garden Roofs, Light Colored Reflective Cool Roofs, Ballasted and Gravelled Roofs, Photovoltaic Solar Panel Installation, has protected Chicago Landmarks like McCormick Place, City Hall and more. CRC's main function is to promote the professionalism, culture of efficiency, safety, and productivity, expertise, and reliability of these dedicated contractors who provide the Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long.