In the Chicago area, fiberglass asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material used by steep-slope roofing contractors. They are economical, durable, long lasting (15 years to limited lifetime), and can be easily installed, repaired, and maintained. Asphalt shingles are manufactured in a large variety of styles and colors

Traditional 3-tab shingles, Architectural shingles that are made to look like real wood shake, and specialty shingles made to resemble clay or slate tiles. Due to the large variety of styles and colors, asphalt shingles are a top choice for roofing architects and roofing contractors. There is an asphalt shingle made for every architectural style.

In addition to shingle color and style, today's "cool-roof" technology has developed environmental friendly and energy efficient (Energy Star rated) asphalt shingles. Many of the advanced shingles manufactured today are designed to reflect the sun's harmful rays. Reflectivity of the shingles can reduce a roof's temperature by as much as 25%. Reducing a roof's temperature will reduce the energy required to cool the building, saving money and may also help reduce Urban Heat Island Effect.

Asphalt Shingle materials are applied in steep slopes with limitations on the minimum slope. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), minimum slope required is at least 3" in 12". According to the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association, (ARMA), shingles applied above 45 degrees to completely vertical require special fastening and adhesives. NRCA's Steep Slope Roofing Manual provides information about shingle roof assemblies and recommended flashing at chimney's, roof edge rakes and gutters at roof edges.

Check with your CRC Professional Roofing Contractor for detailed information about shingles and also ventilation and insulation for a long roof service life.

Ice barrier roofing underlayment is required by the International Building Code in regions where ice forms at roof edges making a 'dam', causing water to back up under shingles and leak. Proper attic insulation and attic air ventilation can help eliminate water from leaking from melting snow due to heat entering the attic. The ice barrier membrane is required regardless if insulation and ventilation are correct. For Chicagoland, R-49 insulation is required by the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code.

Professional Chicagoland Roofing Council contractor roofing technicians understand the sensitive nature of working with shingles and the need for insulation, ventilation, drainage and ice barrier membranes – and install them to the manufacturers installation instructions, the listings and the building code.

Visit the specific shingle membrane pages for more information.

Professional Chicagoland Roofing Council contractor roofing technicians understand the complexity of all types of roofing and get the installation done right the first time. Contact a CRC Contractor that has the equipment, workforce and technology to get your roof done right.

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The Chicagoland Roofing Council Professional Contractors lead the industry in rooftop installations. CRC Contractors work with Vegetative Garden Roofs, Light Colored Reflective Cool Roofs, Ballasted and Gravelled Roofs, Photovoltaic Solar Panel Installation, has protected Chicago Landmarks like McCormick Place, City Hall and more. CRC's main function is to promote the professionalism, culture of efficiency, safety, and productivity, expertise, and reliability of these dedicated contractors who provide the Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long.