Garden & Green Roofing

  • Chicagoland's Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long...


The Garden Vegetative Roofs provide environmental benefits due to plants providing reduced rooftop surface temperatures, oxygen back to the air and water retention for a period of time slowing water flow into the sewer systems. Chicago and the Chicagoland Roofing Council Professional Roofing Contractor has been at the forefront of this movement and is best qualified to install these complicated assemblies because. That’s because they understand how to treat the critical element - the roof.

There are two types of garden vegetative roofs. The vegetative media and plants can be supplied in trays or “built-in-place”. The trays have plants in them that are grown offsite, but are indigenous to the area. The “built-in-place” system components are custom installed from the roof membrane up. Drainage and water retention boards are installed over the roof membrane and insulation. A filter fabric is installed either on the water retention board or separately. Then, the soil media is placed over the insulation at specified thicknesses. Plants are inserted into the media by hand.

They are complex roof coverings that can cause roof damage during installation. The key to all these assemblies is that there needs to be a water tight roof first. Vegetative garden assemblies are installed over the roof burying it below soil media, plants and more. The varying thicknesses of soil are hard to move. To get to a leak to fix it, the vegetative covering needs to be removed. That's expensive.


Garden roofs improve air quality by producing oxygen, while removing toxins and large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air.

They also help reduce the "urban heat island effect" by replacing what was usually a heat producing dark colored roof with "cool" green plants. Since a garden roof absorbs less heat from the sun than a dark colored roof, the building it protects also stays cool, requiring less energy for air conditioning.

Garden roofs also help with storm water management and water quality. They reduce and slow storm water runoff (until saturated) and filter out some pollutants contained in rain water.

Garden roofs are sensitive to install. The rooftop has to be loaded properly to prevent collapse of the building. The placement has to be perfect and not That's why a skilled Chicagoland Roofing Council Roofing Technician is needed to install the roof and the garden vegetative media, solar panels. Roofing Technicians have the training to install all these overburdens and not damage the roof under it.

Visit the specific garden membrane pages for more information.

Professional Chicagoland Roofing Council contractor roofing technicians understand the complexity of all types of roofing and get the installation done right the first time. Contact a CRC Contractor that has the equipment, workforce and technology to get your roof done right.

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The Chicagoland Roofing Council Professional Contractors lead the industry in rooftop installations. CRC Contractors work with Vegetative Garden Roofs, Light Colored Reflective Cool Roofs, Ballasted and Gravelled Roofs, Photovoltaic Solar Panel Installation, has protected Chicago Landmarks like McCormick Place, City Hall and more. CRC's main function is to promote the professionalism, culture of efficiency, safety, and productivity, expertise, and reliability of these dedicated contractors who provide the Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long.