Member Resources

  • Chicagoland's Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long.
Joint Safety Portal
Mandatory Drug Testing Portal
CRC / Local 11 Training Portal



The CRC / Local 11 Joint Safety Committee is excited to announce the launch of the new Safety Dashboard. Through the use of CRC Member Jobsite inspections and real-time reporting of the safety practices viewed, CRC Contractors are now able to use this valuable information to enhance training and education specifically to establish and maintain a safe worker environment.

Through a partnership with Safety Check, Inc., multi-year cumulative data can now be accessed via the CRC / Local 11 Safety Dashboard below to improve education of the Local 11 work force in regard to safety.

To schedule a safety inspection, learn more about the CRC / Local 11 Joint Safety Program or get help logging in, contact Jim Meeganat Safety Check, Inc., 815-475-9991.

Log In

Together, CRC and Local 11 have formed a partnership to provide a drug and alcohol-free working environment for our employees, customers and the construction industry in general. This important program is designed to Help, Educate and to Provide the public with a Drug and Alcohol-free work force. For more information, contact ScreenSafe at (877) 727-3369 or
Mandatory Drug Testing
Test Sites

Together, CRC and Roofers Local 11 have collaborated on a database to provide CRC Contractors data of all workforce training completed including safety and the application of the latest roofing and waterproofing product installation. For more information, contact the Chicagoland Roofer's Joint Apprenticeship Training Center (JATC) at (708) 246-4488 or
Training Portal

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    The Chicagoland Roofing Council Professional Contractors lead the industry in rooftop installations. CRC Contractors work with Vegetative Garden Roofs, Light Colored Reflective Cool Roofs, Ballasted and Gravelled Roofs, Photovoltaic Solar Panel Installation, has protected Chicago Landmarks like McCormick Place, City Hall and more. CRC's main function is to promote the professionalism, culture of efficiency, safety, and productivity, expertise, and reliability of these dedicated contractors who provide the Best Value, Best Roofs, All Year Long.